We care about you

Fulfilling an assignment optimally goes hand in hand with vitality, personal well-being and safety in the workplace.

Each freelancer interprets this in his or her own way. Smelt Interim Services supports the freelancer on these three pillars.

As a freelancer, you can use the Healfie platform, match your coach to your personal (development) issue.

If you do not feel safe in the workplace, Smelt offers both an internal confidential advisor and an external confidential advisor.

Discover Healfie

The future of digital therapeutics is bright. New technologies will continue to improve both clinical and home-based health care.As a result of the pandemic, the adoption of digital health is higher than ever before, making it an ideal time for implementing new and convenient digital care options.

The expand the implementation and adoption of digital therapeutics, companies benefit from experts, consultants and temporary staff to secure the execution of their strategy.

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My name is Iris Calmes.

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Confidential counsellor



My name is Dagmar Bos

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